Gemstones from small-scale mining
Fair sparkles more
Because we are convinced that only fair wages, ethically justifiable working conditions and environmentally friendly mining can bring more sustainability to the production of jewelry.
Our newest gemstones
Out of stockGEMSTONES

MIADANA is Malagasy and loosely translated means "to be in harmony with oneself". Our company name is synonymous with the conviction to create with precious stones from fair and responsible sources not only beauty and aesthetics in the smallest space, but also the awareness of the origin and extraction of our gemstones.
Alina Uhlitz - CEO - MIADANA
Our philosophy
Gemstones ethically mined in Madagascar by supporting local small-scale mining
Bringing awareness of the origin of raw materials to Germany through the production of fair products
Transparent supply chains for gemstone lovers with a sense of responsibility
Gemological expertise by the examination of each individual gemstone
Our sapphires
Out of stockSapphire

Our commitment
Team MIADANA - that are Alina Uhlitz, certified gemstone appraiser (DgemG) & Trina Rakotozandrindrainy, Madagascan gemstone prospector for almost 20 years.
Already since 2001 we are both independently active and committed to more social justice. We are happy that now since 2018 we can realize our vision of building economic structures by using existing skills in the most variety rich country for colored gemstones worldwide.
Our blog
21October, 24
Spinell im Fokus: Eine unterschätzte Alternativ...
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11March, 24
Erhitzt oder Unerhitzt? – Die wohl wichtigste F...
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18January, 24
Die Farbe Petrol - Edel und wirkungsvoll
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14August, 23
Inclusions in gemstones: Natural beauty and uni...
Inclusions in gemstones are fascinating features that add to the charm and uniqueness of each gemstone. They are formed during the growth process of the gemstone in the earth's crust....
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Customer reviews
"Dear Alina, thank you very much for the already long existing, great and appreciative cooperation. With you I have really found a super transparent company for responsibly and fairly mined gemstones. There my goldsmith heart beats faster. i am happy every time i buy new gemstones for new jewelry :)"
Ellen W.
"Dear Alina! Thank you so much for the great sapphire I purchased from you and also thank you very much for your professional and super kind way :)"
Timo S.
"Clear recommendation! Fair jewelry, sparkling gemstones, from the noblest origin. One simply has a good feeling. Everything fits here, along the complete value chain."
Corinna K.
"Working with Alina is a pleasure. The service was professional and personal. The stone arrived in a package and it was as amazing as it was on the images and shared videos. Besides that, there were personal note and certification which made the whole experience more personal and reassuring. I have to mention that they work with small scale miners and they answer all questions you have about the process and the stone (which is why I was also enticed and more comfortable going for the stone). Definitely will do more business together :)"
Tina R.