22, Nov, 19 2min Lesedauer

Team Miadana


Work of passion and responsibility


MIADANA is Malagasy and loosely translated means "to be in harmony with oneself".  Our company name is synonymous with the conviction to create with precious stones from fair  and responsible sources not only beauty and aesthetics in the smallest space, but in addition, awareness of the origin and extraction of our gemstones. In this way, we want to make a contribution to greater sustainability in the jewelry industry.

We, that is Alina Uhlitz, certified gemstone appraiser (DgemG), and Trina Rakotozandrindrainy, Madagascan gemstone prospector for almost 20 years, have the claim to offer you, in addition to the unique quality of our gemstones also traceable supply chains and transparency. Therefore, we source our stones only from mines in Madagascar with whom we have a long-standing business relationship. The miners work independently and on their own responsibility. No western system is imposed on them, since Trina, as a local and former prospector himself, knows small-scale mining like the back of his hand. Only through sustainable relationships and conscientious mining of the gemstones, in which the environment is only imperceptibly burdened, we can make our contribution to the transformation of the jewelry industry.

Because we are convinced that only through fair wages, ethically justifiable working conditions and environmentally friendly mining more sustainability can be brought into the production of jewelry. Let us convince you of the incomparable beauty of our products from fair responsible source and be also "in harmony with itself".





Our gemstones

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