Collection: Blog

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Die Farbe Petrol - Edel und wirkungsvoll
Die Welt der Petrol-farbenen Saphire ist eine Einladung zum Träumen, Entdecken und Staunen.
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Inclusions in gemstones: Natural beauty and uni...
Inclusions in gemstones are fascinating features that add to the charm and uniqueness of each gemstone. They are formed during the growth process of the gemstone in the earth's crust....
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Why Madagascar has the highest deposit of gemst...
Madagascar has some of the richest undeveloped gemstone resources in the world. Why is that and what role does geographic location play? Find out more now!
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Gemstones as an investment
Gemstones: an alternative investment Many people invest in stocks, bonds and other traditional investments. However, there is an alternative form of investment that many people often overlook: Gemstones. Gemstones have...
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The Sphen The Greek word "sphenos" means "wedge" and is meant to figuratively describe the wedge-shaped crystals of the sphene. Most gemstones of this genus are green to yellow-green, but...
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The sapphire The sapphire is birthstone of the month of September. In der Historie besagt der mysteriöse Edelstein Wahrheit, Ruhe, Ehrlichkeit und ausgiebige Treue. Wegen seiner Bedeutung und seiner royalen...
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